With the #CallBrussels campaign, visit.brussels aims to convince tourists that Brussels is still a destination of choice

There has been a noticeable decline in the number of foreign tourists in the Brussels-Capital Region since the infamous ‘Brussels lockdown’. This decline has serious consequences, particularly for players in the tourist industry. visit.brussels is launching the #CallBrussels campaign in order to reassure tourists and to convince them that Brussels is still a destination of choice.

Over the past few weeks, the international media has portrayed Brussels as a war zone that tourists would do well to avoid. This has obviously had dire consequences for the tourist sector, which is currently experiencing a noticeable decline. Yet life goes on, and the European capital is as packed as ever with tourist and cultural activities. With the international #CallBrussels campaign, visit.brussels aims to convince tourists intending to visit Brussels that there is no reason to revise their travel plans.

People well placed to reassure tourists

Who better than the people of Brussels to answer the questions that tourists hesitant about travelling to Brussels might have…

In order to foster exchanges between the main players of tourism in Brussels (namely tourists from the following countries: France, the Netherlands, Germany, the United Kingdom, Italy and Spain) and the people of Brussels, visit.brussels set up telephone boxes in three emblematic locations of the Brussels-Capital Region: at the Mont des Arts, on the Place Flagey and on the Place Communale in Molenbeek. Passers-by will be able to answer questions from foreign tourists, who can choose which telephone box to call via the website www.call.brussels, and a webcam will film the surroundings. The interactions will be broadcast live on the website www.call.brussels.

The campaign will be followed by the international release of the video clips shot during the action, via social media and through the purchasing of media space on websites in priority countries.

A great opportunity for the people of Brussels to defend their Region

The people of Brussels are proud of their Region and are no doubt eager to re-establish the truth regarding the situation in Brussels. Through this action, visit.brussels gives them the possibility of expressing themselves on the topic and of revitalizing the economic life of Brussels by persuading tourists not to cancel their trip to the city. This campaign is carried out together with Toerisme Vlaanderen and Wallonie-Bruxelles Tourisme, which will relay the whole campaign via their international networks.

More information on the campaign is also available on the website www.call.brussels

Fact sheet ENG #CallBrussels campaign + press release

PDF 672 KB

Fact sheet FR #CallBrussels campagne + communiqué de presse

PDF 396 KB

Fact sheet NL #CallBrussels campagne + persbericht

PDF 535 KB

Ariane Goossens

Whyte Corporate Affairs

Martha Meeze

Press Manager & Spokesperson, visit.brussels

Wim Lefebure

Whyte Corporate Affairs


About CallBrussels

The campaign #CallBrussels is an initiative by the Brussels-Capital Region, organized by visit.brussels with support of Toerisme Vlaanderen and Wallonie-Bruxelles Tourisme, which will relay the whole campaign via their international networks. The aim of the action is to convince foreign tourists that Brussels is still a destination of choice.